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http://www.artedunet.cn  2008-8-20 22:15:00 来源: 东南大学艺术学院





东南大学艺术学院所拥有的艺术学科在2004年《中国教育报》公布的、我国首次由权威教育评估中介机构——高等学校与科研院所学位与研究生教育评估所开展的研究生教育学科排名中名列第二,从“十五”到“十一五”,连续两届被评为江苏省重点学科。2004年,艺术学与伦理学联盟,成功申报到教育部“985工程二期”“科技、伦理与艺术”哲学社会科学创新基地,旨在促动科技、伦理与艺术研究的交叉与融合。 2007年东南大学艺术学被教育部增列为国家重点学科,实现了东南大学人文学科国家重点学科零的突破,并且是江苏首家、唯一的艺术类国家重点学科,是我国首家、唯一属于二级学科艺术学的国家重点学科。在2007年研究生教育学科排名中名列第一。



Welcome to School of Arts, Southeast University

Southeast University (SEU) has a long history of art education and art research. As early as the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Lianjiang Normal School, being the second stage in the history of SEU, was set up, the then president of the school Li Rui-qing, established a branch of painting and handicraft teaching, which was the earliest art education in modern China. In the century-old history, many masters of art taught in SEU, such as Li Shu-tong, the famous music educator; Wu-Mei, a specialist in Chinese opera and education, the great artists Zong Bai-hua and Lǔ Feng-zi, and some other famous figures such as Cheng Zhi-fo, Xu Bei-hong, Fu Bao-shi, Wu Zuo-ren. Their teaching was a great contribution to China's art education.

In the 1990s, both "Department of Art Study" and "The Center of Modern Art and Design" (in 2004 the center was renamed Department of Art and Media) were established at Southeast University. They were the first institutions to offer doctoral degree programs of art in China. In September 2006, Department of Art Study and Department of Art and Media merged into School of Art. The School now consists of three departments: Department of Art and Media, Department of Art History, and Department of Art Design. There are 8 professors and 8 associate professors of the total 31 full time faculty working in the School in addition to 14 lecturers and 1 assistant teachers.

Being a special institution of art education and research, our School offers degree programs from undergraduate to PhD besides a post-doctoral research station of art. We have the first-class discipline of MA program of art and a Master of Fine Art program. At the level of undergraduate education, there are three BA programs: Industrial Design, Fine art, and Animated Drawing.

The teachers and professors of the school have accomplished 7 national level and 11 provincial level research projects in the field of art; 1 key and 2 average national projects and 8 provincial projects are under research. We have won 15 prizes and awards for academic research at the provincial and national levels, published more than 60 books and 900 academic papers. Some of our graduate students who had won PhD and MA degrees from SEU have become the leading figurers in the research of the history of art in China; some of those who won the BA degree of art from our school have become the key members in the practice of art in the country.

In 2004, Chinese Education published its education quality assessment-- the first education assessment by authoritative institution in China-- said that the graduate education of our school was the top two in China. We won twice "key discipline" awards given by Jiangsu Province from the period of the 10th five-year plan to the 11th five-year plan. In 2004, we together with the department of ethics, successfully applied philosophic and social science innovation base named "Second Stage 985-project Program" supported by the Ministry of Education, with the purpose of promoting the interdisciplinary research of science, art and ethic.

The school of Art at Southeast University is committed to the aim of open research and education. We hope to have more collaborations and co-operations with famous universities, research institutions and other institutions of art and culture all over the world.

The School of Art at SEU has become one of the important bases of art education and research in China. We welcome any friends who have interest in art and are willing to cooperate with us.

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