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英国留学 动画设计专业个人陈述(PS)范文
http://www.artedunet.cn  2011-10-13 10:02:00 来源: 滴答论坛/jessica599
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Art & Design Personal Statement

  The decision to study Art and Design as a university course is one which I have spent a lot of time thinking about. After conference with friends and tutors I have decided that this is the right decision for me as although I am performing better academically in another subject, it is in art and design that my real passion lies.

  I believe that artists view the world differently. Rather than see a rusty nail, artists see silver, browns, oranges; golds. Swirling shapes and flat surfaces. It is my dream to study the world in this way, the visual attributes and aesthetic properties of objects, and examine how they could be expressed through different colours, shapes, lines and tones. I enjoy art courses extensively, the progression of a project and reflecting on it. I enjoy experimenting with light, colour, subject & mediums; mixing & matching the different aspects for individual results. I feel that I already possess the basic skills necessary to enter this course through my study of art and design at GCSE and A-Level. A lot of my interest in art and design also lies in other's interpretation of it. For this reason I am excited about the prospect of working through a course with others. To see how their interpretations and aspirations differ from my own; and to gain insight and inspiration from comparing works.

  During my spare time over the last few years I have experimented with all aspects of art and design. From abstract painting to detailed pencil portraits, comics, sculpture and fashion design. I also briefly studied photography at AS level although unfortunately I had to drop this subject as the amount of work was interfering with my art course. In a university course I hope to refine my interest in art and design. Focusing on one or two aspects of the subject which I would then expand and develop on. I believe that a university course is the perfect place to work on this process. I am also excited about the prospect of learning new techniques. I am aware that the techniques touched upon during GCSE and A-Level were limited and look forward to exploring much more.

  My main interests & hobbies lie in the Arts, Film and photography. I enjoy taking photographs and have had photos used by both Amnesty International and local newspapers. I visit the cinema at least once a week with friends; I especially like films of a documentary nature that give an insight into life of another culture. I find cinematography a particularily interesting aspect, how a freeze frame of a moment can be transformed into a single beautiful image. I also like to visit art galleries, particularly a local independent gallery called Catalyst Arts. I plan on submitting work to their next member's show in the near future. I like deciphering the message behind other people's work and looking for where they drew their inspiration from when I visit galleries. I usually go with friends as discussing each other's interpretation of the works afterwards is always very interesting. At the weekend I enjoy going to see bands, both signed & unsigned, and hearing music of many different genres. Any other spare time I have I spend on art & design work, and often submit art to things like charity auctions and competitions.

  At the minute I am studying a 2 year A Level course at Belfast Metropolitan College. The shift from a grammar school to a college was initially difficult however I am glad that I have entered the college as I feel I am better prepared for a university course because of it. By studying at BMC I have learnt to mature academically and personally, to be self disciplined and to study for myself and by myself. I feel that I would easily adjust to a university course after studying here as both university and college courses rely on independent study and motivation which I feel I have exhibited since starting at BMC.

  I took up the one year Art History A Level as I was bitterly disappointed in my results from AS Level Art. On reflection I think I was unaware of how much of a jump there was from GCSE to A Level & that there was a different structure & aim to the projects. This year I feel I am better adjusted & should perform well in the Art A Level, however I have taken up Art History as a security measure & as a source of inspiration for my projects. I feel I am progressing well in the subject & am enjoying the classes thoroughly, despite it being very condensed.

  I also feel I have been prepared for this course in some ways by my work experience. In my first job, in an opticians, I often had to work on the aesthetics of the store, thinking carefully about what colours would best compliment each other and represent the aura of the store. I also worked on letterhead, logo and website design for the owners of this company. At the minute I am working as a contact centre advisor for Vodafone mobile (previously sky broadcasting). However I do not find this job fulfilling or beneficial to me in any way and am currently looking for a job in the arts. I also worked as a volunteer for Springfield Charitable Association, a local charity. This job especially taught me to work as part of a team as we relied on each other & depended on a team spirit to move projects along. Working for many years has also taught me management of time & money, which I think will be especially important whilst living independently and studying at university. I feel I have developed interpersonal skills and organizational skills through all this which will also benefit me and keep me focused in university.

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