Ohio State University/Columbus/ Art Dept.–OSU
1870年成立,校地共有3303亩在俄亥俄州的哥伦布市.艺术与设计方面的计算机研究中心相当有声望,简写为ACCAD (The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design ),该校属于相当大型的州立大学,总入学学生数在2005年达57,748人,
[+]建筑 Architecture (Austin E. Knowlton School of)建筑系(又称做奥斯汀诺顿学院)共分有三个领域
Architecture City and Regional Planning Landscape Architecture
这个艺术学院相当庞大,计有160位师资,1700位大学生和500位研究生,院长是Karen A. Bells女士,在院长的话当中,她提到了OSU-Arts与许多知名的艺术专业人士或是团体有建教合作,如Richard Stoltzman(竖琴大师:史托兹曼), Robert Post(呃!这个我就不知道他是谁了…好像是一位很有名的吉他手…?), Bebe Miller(知名的比比米勒舞团)和Charles Csuri(运用傅立叶(Fourier)方程式转换数字影像型态,奠定影像处理的数学基础,他是1968年的数字艺术创始人之一)
Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design进阶艺术与设计计算机中心
Department of Art艺术系 Department of Art Education艺术教育系 Department of Dance舞蹈系 Department of History of Art艺术史系 Department of Theatre戏剧系 School of Music音乐学院 Arts Policy and Administration Program艺术行政
Department of Industrial, Interior, and Visual Communication Design工业,室内设计与视觉传达系
OSU的设计研究所在美国华尔街日报的Design Management Institute评比当中是美国TOP 5 ranking,相当有实力喔!
[+]主修 -Design Development (m.a. or m.f.a.)设计发展 –Design Development involves the creation of advanced solutions for contemporary design problems. Emphasis is on contributing new knowledge to the field, and on refining professional expertise and intellectual competency in the areas of industrial, interior, or visual communication design. Typical topics of inquiry include computer simulation and animation, interface and interaction design, industrial tools, and “smart” products. -Design Education (m.a. or m.f.a.)设计教育(真的很特别喔,可说是全美独家) –Design Education is directed toward the planning, development, and evaluation of new educational materials and instructional programs pertinent to the teaching of industrial, interior, or visual communication design at the university level. Research typically concerns design teaching methods, and the development of theoretical and critical tools that can be applied in design studio and classroom settings. -Design Management and Planning设计管理与设计规划(m.a.) –Design Management and Planning focuses on the study of theories, techniques, and tools related to the efficient organization and management of design activities, and to the effective planning of complex design programs and systems. Students investigate strategic planning and management issues in the design and business communities, and develop ways to bring new knowledge to consultant and corporate design organizations. -Digital Animation + Visualization (m.f.a.)数字动画和视觉呈现 –This specialization focuses on computer animation and graphics as media for diverse areas of communication, research and expression. This focused, studio-based program provides students with the multi-disciplinary education necessary for leadership in a rapidly transforming information society. It explores the use of advanced digital media in combination with aesthetic, creative, and critical thought. The program’s multi-disciplinary approach aims to nurture designers, artists and critical thinkers who will use technology in innovative ways in both professional and artistic arenas.
地址和电话: The Graduate and Professional Information Desk The Ohio State University Lincoln Tower, 3rd Floor 1800 Cannon Drive Columbus, Ohio 43210-1270 Phone: 614-292-9444 Fax: 614-292-3895
国际学生寄送文件 # To ask a question:international.grad@osu.edu # Mailing Address: The Ohio State University Graduate International Admissions PO BOX 182083 Columbus, OH 43218-2083
研究生申请组的页面资料相当丰富,也有在线申请喔! 国际研究生也有单独列出申请页面(可详看国际学生组的网站) OSU有给国际学生上的ESL课程,
学制: Quarter制(设计系的在4个Quarter都能入学,但系上强烈建议要秋季入学,多数课程设计都以秋季为起点) 学费:全职学生,修12 quarter hours以上,学费约$19,305
[+]设计系 申请截止日:11月28日(申请奖学金者),1月15日(一般申请者) 如申请奖学金则一定需要GRE成绩,此外,大学部的GPA成绩未到3.0以上者,也需提供GRE成绩 其它申请文件还有Statement of intent + Current resume or curriculum vitae (常简称为CV) + Portfolio of current work +三封推荐信