1300亩校地,离罗撤斯特downtown 5里, RIT的硕士进修课程包括了相当多种视觉领域,并且包括了艺术及科技整合应用,有一些科技如计算机设计或电子化摄影和数字影像处理,也是业界评价很高的学校, , RIT是一所很大的学校, 2000-2001总学生(大学部和研究所)人数约15160人,男66%,女34%,亚裔5%,国际学生5%,师生比例约为1:12,提供宿舍
1. Foundations Department
2.美国手工艺学院School of American Crafts 2-1. Wood木工 2-2. Glass玻璃 2-3. Clay陶艺 2-4. Metals金属
3.艺术学院School of Art 3-1. Fine Arts Studio艺术类 3-2. Painting绘画 3-3. Printmaking版画 3-4. Sculpture雕塑 3-5. New Form新类型艺术(特别的) 3-6. Medical Illustration医学插画(特别的) 3-7. Illustration插画 3-8. Art Education艺术教育
4.设计学院School of Design
4-1.Industrial Design工业设计 4-2. Interactive Media Design & Imaging互动媒体 4-3. Graphic Design平面设计(简称为CGD)
5.电影与动画学院(SOFA)School of Film and Animation 5-1. Film and Production电影制作(BFA only) 5-2. Computer Animation Concentration计算机动画(特别的)
6.摄影艺术与科技学院School of Photographic Arts and Science Photography Concentration摄影:该校的招牌
7.印刷管理与科技学院School of Print Media ,旧称是(SPMS)School of Printing Management and Science 他们的学位不是MFA是MS喔!过去这个学院共有三个硕士主修,分别是Graphic Arts Publishing平面设计出版, Graphic Arts System平面设计系统还有Printing Technology印刷概要技术;不过印刷现在明显不是一个很大的趋势了,所以硕士学位就浓缩成Master of Print Media,比较特别的是开办了在线课程喔!有兴趣的同学可以多了解看看!
8. Extend Studies Department
[+]特别的 影像科学中心Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science有全美唯一博士课程(特别的) 在RIT还有一个数字媒体中心Center of Digital Media,
1.请问RIT的校园生活如何?安全吗?获得信息快速吗? Hmm, campus life, boring + safe = good environments for hard working. RIT is one of the top “most wired” campus - very good computer labs, library, and internet access. Information exchange is good, no doubts. As the matter of fact, the best thing about RIT, for me, is the facility.
2.请问Graphic Design and Computer Graphic Design在RIT的师资好吗?它们的课程规划如何? Graphic Design program is really good, if you don’t think about the evil evil teachers and endless projects. Classes have a lot of emphasis on design theory and history study as well as production. Instructors include some of the very few famous design historians in the US. So as you can imagine, classes include design history study, system design, information design, typography… etc. Computer Graphic Design on the other hand, focus a lot on mastering multimedia design software. I personally like their instructors, but there are some debates among students about them. The advantage they have is their expensive computer lab and software. The program includes 2D & 3D digital imaging and animation (if you wish to take animation classes), video editing, web design, interactive design…. etc.
3. RIT校园中的艺术活动多吗? It depends on whom you compare it to. Less than New York City, yet just enough to occupy your free time (if you have any). Big hockey games though, ha, if anyone from Taiwan would like to learn ice skating and playing hockey.
[+]其它数据 地址和电话:Office of Graduate Enrollment Services 58 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623 ( 716) 475-2229 | 申请费: $50
2008-2009学费:一个Quarter是10058,一年有四个Quarter,年学费的话是30174(不要问我为什么不是10058×4呀? 10058×4太高了, 30174总是比较好的价钱),这是Full time graduate student的学费(不含生活费哟!),学费网页