Usnews1997:[6] Drama/Theater:[23] Usnews2003:[10] Printmaking:[2]
爱荷华大学常简称为U-Iowa,uiowa或是UI,成立于1847年,位于爱荷华市Iowa City,是一所大型的,知名的,年老的,美国公立大学,全校共有11个学院,其中以人文科学学院Liberal Arts and Sciences为最大的学院,该院下面分了超过二十几个的部门,看了就头昏呀,全校学生超过三万人呢!
该校在美国太空物理科学领域是属于教父级的地位,此外也是全美第一个将教学节目上电视共享的学校,还有全美第一个成立”国际”作家写作班的大学INTERNATIONAL WRITER’S PROGRAM
University of Iowa is also the very first university that accept female admission to college education. Women action and women studies has played a huge role in UI.
[+]科系与学院 U-Iowa的学院分得不细,与艺术相关的科系都列在人文科学学院College of Liberal Arts and Sciences下面,一共有
1.艺术与艺术史部Art and Art History
The school of art and art historywill be move to a brand new building on Fall 2006, the building has been under construction since 2001, and finally finish the year of 2006. Steven Holl, the architect of this building, is being recongized in TIMES magazine as one of best achitects in year 2004.过去申请都要GRE, 2007年除了Art History之外,开始不用GRE成绩了!
-Art History申请这个托福就一定要过600,要GRE,有PhD喔 -Art Education艺术教育- MA有PhD喔 -Ceramics -Design -Intermedia -Jewelry and Metal Arts -Painting and Drawing -Papermaking -Photography -Printmaking版画系相当出色,排名2003全美第二! -Sculpture
2.创意写作系Creative Writing(Writers’ Workshop作家工作室,只提供硕士学位) 3.Performing Arts, Division of表演艺术部 3-1.舞蹈系Department of Dance注重在编剧技巧choreography跟演出performance,MFA要6个semesters才念得完 3-2.音乐学院School of Music 3-3.戏剧系Department of Theatre Arts
U-IOWA的戏剧课程是全美最早的戏剧研究所课程之一!这个系又细分了下面的MFA -演出Acting -导演Directing -舞台管理Stage Management -编剧技巧Dramaturgy -舞台设计Design -剧本写作Playwriting
地址和电话:University of Iowa 107 Calvin Hall Iowa City,IA 52242-1396 319 335-3500 学制Semester system Admissions E-mail: 托福550
MFA/MA申请截止日 * Fall semester—February 1 * Spring semester—not offered * Summer session—February 1
2007-2008的年学费(以一学期修九学分以上计算)大约是$9572×2 =$19144,参考该校的费用说明表,有依不同学院做出不同的Table说明,挺详细的!
[+]有用资料 1.学术交流基金会对U-IOWA的报导 2.在线填表索取U-IOWA学校资料 3.该校的奖学金机会很多的喔!奖学金说明页